Online Newsroom for the Automotive Sector

A dynamic and visually engaging online newsroom can serve as a powerful asset for automotive companies during both challenging and prosperous times. It provides an avenue to establish connections with journalists and discover new sources of media coverage. Moreover, it serves as a platform where the media can better understand a company's mission, challenges, and progress made.

Expand Your Positive Media Coverage Capabilities

A next-gen online newsroom like Lookatmedia™ can independently facilitate the generation of positive media coverage, enhance brand recognition, and foster trust. It enables automotive companies to cultivate relationships with the media beyond traditional methods such as press releases and conferences, ensuring a continuous, round-the-clock connection with media outlets worldwide.

Elevate Your Branding

When a story comes from a trusted source, it is more believable. In the communications space, journalists fill that role. When a journalist publishes a story about your brand or includes it positively, it instantly elevates your brand awareness and reputation. Lookatmedia™ was built as a media sentinel, standing ready to meet journalists' needs from anywhere on the planet 24/7/365.

The Power of Visual Storytelling in the Media

Lookatmedia™ allows journalists to access your story ideas, leading to discovery journeys and a more nuanced understanding of your brand and mission. Every day, journalists check their news feeds. 70% will share a story based on a trending storyline. 68% will share a story purely on the strength of an image.

The Power of Visual Narratives for Automotive Companies

Journalists are experts with the power of words. However, they need your help with visual narratives. Whereas they once depended on in-house photographers and photo editors to illustrate their stories, they now rely on PR to fill the gap. It's why Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms have a full-featured Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution at their core.

Today’s News, Not Yesterday’s

Traditional online newsroom solutions often act as archives of yesterday's press releases. In contrast, Lookatmedia™ is a dynamic resource that journalists see as essential for current news and new story ideas. We designed Lookatmedia™ with the resources journalists need to create today's news.

Attracting Journalists

Instead of offering a few images with a story, we allow journalists to explore our clients' entire media-approved and compliant content, ensuring the visual story narratives they create are unique and compelling. This increases their readership and viewership and is one of the many reasons journalists regularly return to Lookatmedia™ newsrooms.

Building a New List of Sympathetic Journalists

Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms allow text and PDF files of story copy to be downloaded instantly. Journalists need to be registered to access media-approved images and videos. They can do this by clicking on any image in your online newsroom and, once registered, stay logged in for up to 60 days. Lookatmedia™ allows you to add your terms of use to ensure compliance, providing an auditable media and PR trail.

A Playground for PR Pro Creativity

When your PR team's success is measured purely by the success of individual press releases, they can become overly cautious. Your PR team could create more content if they had a safe environment to experiment with pitching stories from different angles and beats. Lookatmedia™ provides that safe, creative environment where your team can test and refine their storytelling skills, find what works best, and apply those new skills to future press releases.

Creating Compelling Visual Narratives

Using the power of our newsroom's image and video pickers, PR professionals can mix and match images and videos to experiment with visual narratives. This delivers more unique and compelling content, attracting more positive media coverage.

A 24/7 News Resource

Press releases are binary—they're in a journalist's inbox or not, read or not, acted on or not. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms work differently. Lookatmedia™ can house hundreds or thousands of stories for journalists to discover anytime. Breaking news, themed content, community, and evergreen stories, facts, and stat resources can be accessed 24/7 by journalists. Events content allows your PR team to promote existing events or create specific media events with a one-touch download to journalists' calendars.

Showcasing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Are you getting enough external airplay on your CSR commitments and achievements? It's not enough to do good work; you must also be seen doing good work. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms allow your PR team to create entire libraries of content on your Corporate Social Responsibility commitments and achievements, making this information readily available to journalists, bloggers, podcasters, and influencers.

Effective Crisis Management

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe" - Abraham Lincoln. 

Unlike most crisis management plans that wait for a crisis, your Lookatmedia™ online newsroom works daily to build goodwill and resources you can call on in a crisis. The content you create on Lookatmedia™, the media coverage it generates, and the media relations you build all contribute to a strong foundation. Lookatmedia™ provides a 'single source of truth' on evolving stories and your response.

Enhancing Government Relations

In government relations, public support is crucial for policy change. The public relies on media voices to understand complex policy changes. Lookatmedia™ allows you to tell your side of the story in greater depth and nuance, better than press releases and media conferences alone. The illustrated content in Lookatmedia™ newsrooms enhances your story's emotional power, helping to sway opinions and beliefs effectively.

Find out how to turn your unique content into newsworthy stories for today’s journalists