Online Newsroom Software for Technology Companies

In today's media landscape, technology companies face a unique challenge: they are often met with skepticism akin to that faced by the resources sector. While both sectors play crucial roles in the success of society and business, concerns about transparency and long-term impacts have captured the media's and the public's attention. However, a ground-breaking solution is now available to combat this skepticism head-on and pave the way for a deeper, more nuanced conversation: Lookatmedia™, the next-generation online newsrooms platform.

The Scourge of Data Breach Headlines

Headlines about data breaches from trusted companies and government organizations have dominated the news recently. It has become a matter of "when" rather than "if" a company will experience a breach. According to a recent survey, 50% of CEOs believe they will face a data breach in the coming years. While it is nearly impossible to guarantee data security, Lookatmedia™ offers technology companies an invaluable opportunity to go beyond generic statements about privacy protection.

Building Trust in a Data Breach Era

With Lookatmedia™, you can proactively share ongoing stories about new initiatives to stay ahead of hackers without revealing trade secrets. Moreover, it provides a platform to address data breaches in the headlines that, although unrelated, impact the public's perception of how you safeguard customer, client, or patient data. By embracing Lookatmedia™, you can demonstrate your commitment to data integrity and foster trust in an era where privacy and security are paramount concerns.

Navigating PR Challenges of the Tech World

Lookatmedia™ equips you to manage crises resulting from data breaches or product failures, navigate evolving laws and regulatory compliance, and adapt to the ever-changing media landscape and emerging technologies.

Beyond these challenges, technology companies are now being called upon to prioritize ethical considerations and social responsibility in their operations and communications. Lookatmedia™ enables you to showcase your commitment to these principles, fostering a positive brand image and public perception.

Elevating Brand Awareness and Reputation

Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms are an ever-present resource for journalists seeking information about your brand and organization. They provide a unique opportunity to showcase your brand's history, mission, and positive contributions, ultimately elevating brand awareness and reputation. With new competitors constantly emerging, Lookatmedia™ allows you to demonstrate your credentials and longevity in the market, distinguishing your company from the rest.

Control the Narrative in times of Crisis

The very nature of technology guarantees that issues will arise, whether during product launches, security updates, or other stages. Vulnerabilities will emerge, and malevolent actors will seek to exploit them. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms empower you to control the narrative in times of crisis. By providing detailed explanations of the problem, showcasing your efforts to limit damage, and outlining strategies to prevent future situations, Lookatmedia™ becomes your bank of goodwill and the single source of truth for all media sources.

Fostering Sympathetic Media Relations

The "move fast and break things" mantra may fuel innovation, but it doesn't always resonate well in media. Technologists are optimists, while journalists are professional skeptics. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms bridge this gap by offering a low-touch, high-engagement model. This innovative approach helps technology companies foster sympathetic relationships with as many journalists and media sources as possible, ensuring effective communication and understanding.

Find out how to turn your unique content into newsworthy stories for today’s journalists