An online newsroom solution that
exceeds journalists’ expectations

Online newsroom software has failed to keep pace with the rapid transformation of the media landscape, resulting in a widening gap between the work practices of PR professionals and journalists. Lookatmedia™ was designed to bridge that gap, delivering a branded online resource that exceeds the expectations of journalists while building new and enduring media relations.

Journalists are up against more than deadlines

Media deadlines are news cycles that happen more regularly. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms reach more journalists across more news resources faster. Once authored, your team can create visual narratives and go live in minutes. More importantly, journalists can find and begin their story discovery journeys, accessing all they need to research, write and illustrate compelling content without waiting. Journalists find Lookatmedia™ newsrooms an invaluable source of new ideas to cover many of their beats.

Journalists want the building blocks to create and illustrate their own stories

You may want a journalist to read and respond instantly to your press releases, but we all know that’s not how it works. Research shows that as little as 4% of press releases convert to content. While your PR team is busy preparing your next press releases, journalists research their next story online. If you have an online newsroom like Lookatmedia™ that is built for online discovery and provides the resources journalists want (and need), then the chance of positive media coverage increases substantially.

Stories with depth

If you want journalists to write stories with depth, you need to provide the incentive and resources to do so. A Lookatmedia™ online newsroom provides out-of-the-box tools and templates to create story discovery journeys that allow journalists to build more profound understanding of your organisation and mission, resulting in more nuanced and favourable media coverage.

Your press release with two images isn’t cutting it anymore

Research shows that journalists believe PR professionals continue to undervalue the benefits of media pitches with more comprehensive access to images, videos and brand assets. Journalists say the lack of choice is just the start of the issue with the images and videos currently provided by PR. They also cite a lack of understanding of media compliance with metadata, with video and image formats unsuited to their production needs. At the heart of every Lookatmedia™ online newsroom is one of the world's best Digital Asset Management solutions, which provides secure, auditable access to all of your editorial-approved images and videos, with media-compliant metadata and a choice of formats.

‘Whats the scoop?’

Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms are built to make PR professionals more effective by making journalists more effective. Lookatmedia™ has features that allow journalists to instantly create an app version of your online newsroom on their devices, providing your PR team with the ability to send instant notifications on your new stories. This feature can work even when the app isn’t open. There’s also a browser feature with similar notification features. It’s a great way to keep journalists in the loop and update them on evolving stories.

One journalist with many beats needs more story and image options

Most journalists have more than one beat. The average journalist now has between two and five. Your Lookatmedia™ online newsroom allows you to create content by themes, allowing one journalist to write stories across multiple beats. It’s one of the many reasons why Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms have become a regular source of stories for many journalists.

Find out how to turn your unique content into
newsworthy stories for today’s journalists