Online Newsroom Software for Non-Profits

The media and visual narratives play a key role in attracting people to your cause and make lasting and meaningful change in the world. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms help deliver those visual narratives and stories directly to sympatheic journlaists.

In the competitive landscape of non-profits, establishing and maintaining a solid reputation is paramount. The public's trust and financial support hinge on it. However, with numerous causes vying for attention and limited resources, non-profits need a powerful tool to rise above the noise and capture the media's focus. That's where Lookatmedia™ comes in—a tailored online newsroom solution designed to meet the PR needs of non-profits.

Why is an online newsroom crucial for media engagement?

While non-profits often allocate their communication budgets to awareness and fundraising strategies, they often overlook the potential of journalists as key influencers. Journalists possess an enormous reach and dedicated audience, making them the true megaphones for impactful stories. Non-profits may issue press releases to raise awareness of urgent events that demand immediate attention through volunteer involvement, political pressure, or fundraising efforts. However, even the most pressing issues can quickly fade from the media cycle within days. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms act as beacons, continuously signalling to the media that your mission deserves ongoing coverage while providing journalists with the resources they need to amplify your cause.

Navigating crises effectively

Responding to a crisis, such as a flood or famine, requires a distinct approach to safeguard a non-profit's reputation and mission. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms offer specialized crisis response features that allow your organization to showcase your actions through visual content. During a crisis, Lookatmedia™ becomes the single source of truth for evolving storylines, documenting your response, and demonstrating your positive work. Lookatmedia™ can also help with problems that originate within your organization by managing external narratives and defending your reputation while highlighting the necessary changes you've made.

‘What’s the mission?’

Donors and volunteers only have limited time and resources. Choosing which non-profit to support is not necessarily about which is the more deserving. Often it comes down to which one is in the media. Positive media coverage spotlights your non-profit and draw others to your cause. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms are designed to use the most common tool for discovering story ideas; online searches to attract and compel journalists to provide you with positive media coverage.

Efficient use of resources

Most non-profits will tell you a compelling image is a much more effective way to convey the issue or cause to work to resolve than a thousand words. Journalists also understand this, so they depend on you to provide the content they need for their visual narratives. Rather than send just a few images, journalists want access to media-compliant libraries of images and videos to create their own visual narratives. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms have a full enterprise-level digital asset management solution at their core, allowing you to create a media-compliant library that approved journalists can access 24/7.

Driving government relations and advocacy

Policy decisions can significantly impact your mission, even if your non-profit doesn't rely on government funding. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms serve as powerful platforms for public education and advocacy. By introducing a deeper pool of journalists to your cause, you can initiate essential discussions and drive lobbying efforts for necessary policy changes.

Building and nurturing media relationships

Non-profits need to be efficient with their resources. They don’t always have the luxury of investing time with individual journalists to develop sympathetic media cover. Lookatmedia™ helps build those essential relationships, not over a coffee, but by providing an invaluable resource for journalists to discover, research and illustrate their stories. In return, journalists provide and maintain their own contact details, helping you build and maintain a qualified and sympathetic list of journalists you can contact directly when required.

Why it's important to have a specific online resource just for the media?

Most non-profits dedicate their limited communication budgets to awareness and fundraising strategies, forgetting journalists have the most giant megaphones and most dedicated readers and viewers. Non-profits might send press releases to raise awareness of events that are happening right now that need attention, either through volunteer participation, political pressure, or fundraising; however, even the most pressing issues can disappear from the media cycle in a matter of days. Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms act as an online lighthouse, continually signalling the media that your mission deserves more media coverage and providing the resources journalist need to gain that coverage.

Events management

From captivating fundraising events to facility launches and media-exclusive events, Lookatmedia™ is here to revolutionize your events management. With our innovative Event Content Time feature, journalists can effortlessly explore events within a specific date range using visual search functions. At the click of a button, they can seamlessly add all the essential details to their calendars, ensuring maximum media coverage for your event. This is just one more way Lookatmedia™ enhances and streamlines your PR and reputational management capabilities, freeing up your valuable resources and allowing you to focus wholeheartedly on your mission.

Find out how to turn your unique content into newsworthy stories for today’s journalists