What is an online newsroom, and why do I need one?

Lookatmedia™ delivers the first online newsroom with an enterprise-level Digital Asset Management solution at its heart.

Journalists tirelessly scour the internet for breaking news and compelling story ideas in today's fast-paced media landscape. You need an online newsroom that captures journalists' attention and guarantees visibility to ensure your brand's story doesn't get lost in the noise.


The Evolution of Online Newsrooms: A Game-Changing Solution

Gone are the days of basic 'news' pages on corporate websites that failed to meet journalists' specific needs. While some press delivery platforms attempted to bridge the gap by offering online press release publishing alongside email distribution, they fell short of being effective.


Let's Leave the Past Behind and Aim Higher

An exceptional online newsroom solution goes above and beyond journalists' expectations. Lookatmedia™ is here to redefine the standard, leaving outdated approaches in the dust. Instead of discussing what most online newsrooms are, let's focus on the extraordinary heights they can achieve with a Lookatmedia™ online newsroom.


Elevate Your Brand and Reputation

Rather than depend solely on your press releases, Lookatmedia™ online newsroom allows you to attract positive media coverage where journalist do their most research.

With a Lookatmedia™ online newsroom, PR teams can establish a powerful new front for the brands and reputations they manage. Designed as a journalist's ultimate working environment, Lookatmedia™ enhances content discoverability through online searches, offering dynamic illustrated content journeys. Advanced search functions empower journalists to find the stories and resources they need swiftly.


Unleash Repeat Coverage Potential

The ultimate goal of media relations is to cultivate a list of sympathetic journalists who frequently feature your brand in their content. While media relations can be arduous, it yields incredible results when executed effectively. Now, imagine an online newsroom that works tirelessly, 24/7, across the globe to achieve just that. Lookatmedia™ is the online newsroom solution that wins the hearts and minds of journalists, serving as a valuable and reliable resource for story creation and positive media coverage.


Harness the Power of Visual Narratives

An online newsroom should be a goldmine of visual content for journalists, yet most fall short, offering low-resolution images and videos needing more crucial metadata for publishing. Journalists crave diverse content options to create captivating visual narratives that meet the professional standards of their publications. Lookatmedia™ revolutionizes online newsrooms with its core Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution—the first of its kind worldwide. This DAM empowers organizations to build a single source of truth for all digital assets, providing PR professionals with compliant and professional-grade images and videos to share with the media.

Designed Exclusively for Journalists

A mere news page does not constitute a newsroom. Journalists, bloggers, podcasters, and influencers are a distinct class of news consumers who deserve a dedicated resource that caters to their unique requirements. Lookatmedia™ understands this need and delivers an online newsroom solution that surpasses the expectations of journalists and PR professionals alike. If you want to increase positive media engagement, you need to expand your expectations of the role of an online newsroom PR strategy.


Addressing AI threats to PR in the Non-profit sector


Illustrate Press Releases like a pro